About this curriculum

Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

Artists Covered

Foundation: Frida Kahlo

Year 1: Andy Warhol, Georgia O’Keefe & Deborah Shapiro 

Year 2: Brian Pollard, Sheilagh Tacey & William Morris

Year 3: Alexandra Buckle, Stone Age

Year 4: Lucian Frued, Yayoi Kusama & Henry Moore

Year 5: Stephen Wiltshire, Clive Maddison & Ann Roth

Year 6: Picasso, Chila Kumari Singh Burman, Kumi Yamashi

Coral Class used their observation and comparison skills in science this week. Using different chocolate bars, they worked together to compare them to different characteristics and properties of rocks. They then made observational drawings. Well done Coral Class!
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Year 6 Reading Club tonight in the school library 3:20-4:00pm. All children must be accompanied by an adult. This is a chance for our parents and carers to see our school library, choose a book with their child, sit down and enjoy reading it together and ask any questions that it you may have related to reading at home or in school. Tea and coffee provided for adults and juice biscuits for children. Thank you, Miss Harris.
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KAGAN based learning in Year 3 this morning. The children had a go at describing the sounds they’d expect to hear in our story Cave Baby. Some examples of onomatopoeia on show too
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Wow, what a fantastic start to Year 1! We are so proud of the children coming in and settling in so well. We kicked off our Andy Warhol art topic by drawing these stunning self portraits. Do you recognise anyone?! 🧑‍🎨
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We are looking two cleaners to join our amazing school team. 🧼 Please click on the link below for the job details or call the school office on 01752 705345 if you require more information. ☎️
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This maybe of interest to children in Year 1 and Year 2 looking at joining a local football team Highly recommended the club. Great facilities and coaches
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We are looking forward to welcoming our Foundation Stage starters this week. If your child requires medication to be kept in school, please ensure that you bring it this week and see Miss Ranjbar or Miss Edwards to sign the necessary paperwork. Many thanks.
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Thank you to all Year 5&6 parents who have completed the walk home permissions form that was sent out to you last week. Please can we ask if you haven't done this and you do wish your child to walk home independently that you complete it as soon as you can. Permissions submitted after tomorrow 5pm will need to be completed with your child's class teacher and not via the online form. Thank you!
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Do you have a child due to start school in September 2025? 🏫 Please come and visit our amazing school to see all the great opportunities we have on offer! 🤩 Contact the school office on 01725 705345 to book onto one of our tours. ☎️
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First week in Year 3! Completed it ✅
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**Attention New Starters** Just to remind you that children should wear school uniform next week (Wed-Fri) PE days will be Mondays and Thursdays, children will need to wear their kit to school (from Monday 16th September). We look forward to the children starting with us next week!
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Year 6 have really enjoyed starting their English unit on the story ‘Journey to the River Sea’. Today, they experimented with different art materials to draw illustrations inspired from the front cover and chapter 1.
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#TBT Throw Back Thursday- here are some photos from the last day of term 2024- Year 6 leavers. Class of 2023-2024! 🎉🎊⭐ We hope that they have all settled into their secondary schools well.
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Year 6 PE days: -Tuesday outdoor PE for the whole year group -Wednesday indoor PE for Angelfish class (Miss Harris) -Thursday indoor PE for Marlins class (Mr Williams) Thank you, The Yr6 team.
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Coral Class has had a great first day! We are looking forward to the year ahead.
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Welcome back to all our children and families for the start of our new academic year! The children are all having a brilliant day and we are looking forward to welcome our new Foundation Stage children over the next few weeks.
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To clarify, ALL children should wear full school uniform tomorrow, Wednesday 4th September, as there will be no PE lessons happening. Thank you.
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