About this curriculum

We have adopted a mastery approach to maths education. Whole class mastery teaching has shown a marked improvement in the progress of lower attaining learners and all pupils are more willing to embrace mathematical challenges, encouraged by the belief that everyone can succeed if they put their mind to it. 

We use White Rose to support our Maths teaching and planning. White Rose is about helping whole classes grasp maths lessons. All children progress at a similar pace to allow no one to be left behind. White Rose Maths gives the children the chance to consolidate their learning and deepen their understanding within the same learning objective. For children to master maths, they need to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of each topic, rather than speeding through the curriculum. With strong foundational knowledge, they are better able to tackle more challenging topics and number problems and they find it easier to extend and build on their knowledge. When children consolidate what they have learned, they benefit from a lasting understanding of lessons-skills they’ve mastered will stay with them throughout their academic lives and into adulthood. 

Teaching is adapted to ensure all children achieve expectations. One of our adaptive teaching methods is the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach (CPA). The Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach is a system of learning that uses physical and visual aids to build a child’s understanding of abstract topics.

Pupils are introduced to a new mathematical concept through the use of concrete resources (e.g. fruit, Dienes blocks etc). When they are comfortable solving problems with physical aids, they are given problems with pictures – usually pictorial representations of the concrete objects they were using.

Then they are asked to solve problems where they only have the abstract i.e. numbers or other symbols. Building these steps across a lesson can help pupils better understand the relationship between numbers and the real world, and therefore helps secure their understanding of the mathematical concept they are learning.

Children are expected to do home learning to build fluency with key skills and consolidate their learning. Please see the linked page for extra information about what is expected for your child’s year group.

☀️ Hot, hot, hot! ☀️ Today is forecast to be a beautiful, hot and sunny day! If your child has an outdoor trip planned for today (Year 1 and Year 2), please can you pack 2 bottles of water so you stay nice and hydrated 💙💧💙
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🌊Our ocean art will be on display in the school hall from 3.15 today. We have so many wonderful artists at Manadon, we can’t wait to show you our beautiful artwork from across the school 🎨
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🌞Year 2 Parents reminder🌞 We are really excited about our Plymouth Hoe trip Tomorrow!!! The children can wear sensible mufti clothes and shoes/trainers. It looks like it will be a hot day so please ensure shoulders are covered and no sandals/flip flops. All children will need to wear a sun hat please. Please can you ensure that your child has sunscreen applied before coming to school and they can bring some cream in a named bottle for topping up if necessary during the day in their rucksack. Lunch is being provided by Harbourside Fish and Chip shop but please provide plenty of water for your child.🐟🍟 The school day will begin and finish at normal time. Thankyou The Year 2 team
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Year 1 Wembury Beach Trip 🏖 Please can we remind grown ups that appropriate footwear MUST be worn to the beach on Wednesday - NO open toe shoes, sandals, crocs, dolly shoes, flip flops, etc. Trainers please 🧡 Mufti clothing is absolutley fine as long as it is weather appropriate (no cropped tops, please). If you wish to pack a change of clothes, please put them in your child's bag. They will be responsible for carrying their own items! We are so excited! 🌟☀️
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It's come home! For the third year in a row, Manadon have won the Connect football tournament. Both the girls and boys played brilliantly, and scored 21 points each, meaning we won overall. Well done!
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What fantastic prizes!🎟️😍 40+ prizes to be won! Thank you to all the businesses for donating to our PTFA Summer Fayre! ❤️💙💛
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3H enjoyed their introduction to Scratch today in Computing. They explored how to add a new sprite and backdrop, as well as adding move commands. Fantastic work Year 3!
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🎨Ocean Art Day... sneak peek! The children had a wonderfully creative day and were truly inspired by local artists Kim and Kay Vaudin 🐠🐋🐳🌊 To see more, please join us in the school hall at 3.15pm on Tuesday 25th June.
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🍎 Thank a Teacher Day 🍎 A huge thank you to all our staff and volunteers. We appreciate you 🤩 #ConnectAcademyTrust #ThankATeacher #ThankATeacherDay
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Year 5 children can bring in their musical instruments tomorrow for our music lesson if they wish.
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The girls are bitterly disappointed after losing their quarter final cup game 5-4. It was incredibly close and of an amazingly high standard. It was such a pleasure to watch this game, even though they lost. Most of these girls will have another chance next year though!
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👩‍🎨🎨Ocean Art Day Monday 17th June 🌊👨‍🎨 On Monday 17th June, the whole school will be participating in an Ocean Art Day. During the day, we will all be exploring the artists Kim and Kay Vaudin– a mother and daughter team who have a studio in Plymouth. Their art is inspired by the ocean and fits perfectly with our Ocean Curriculum. This is an event taking place during the school day. We can't wait to share our creations with you on Tuesday 25th June at 3.15pm in our school art gallery 🖼️
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