In September, children from years 1-6 elected School Parliament members to represent their class.
Due to restrictions being lifted we were able to meet as a whole Parliament.
The Parliament Members elected a Prime Minister- Amelia and a Deputy Prime Minister- Sofie.
They also elected a secretary- Ben.
During the first meeting the Parliament members discussed projects they would like to undertake this year:
- What can we do to protect our environment- in school and the wider community?
- Improve mental health by making playtimes fun (Purchase of equipment/ training of play leads (something that Mr Williams will be organising)
- Create some help guides such as a welcome pack to the school and 5 a day for your mental health
- Fundraising
- Calming room that can be accessed at lunchtimes.
The Parliament was then divided up and children chose a Committee to 'sit on'/ team they would work alongside over the coming terms.
Each Committee has started to formulate a plan that will enable them to reach their end goal.