In September, children from years 1-6 elected School Parliament members to represent their class.
The children attend meetings in the library regularly over the terms.
They share ideas or concerns raised by children in their class, as well as having the opportunity to question members of staff about what is currently happening in school.
The Parliament also chooses some things they would like to work on and develop during the school year.
In September 2024 the Parliament chose to focus on:
The well-being of children.
They want to ensure that children have toys/ activities they can use at playtimes and lunchtimes.
They want to add to the activities on offer at lunchtimes- as well as having sports' leaders on the playground they would like to offer a reading session in the library for set year groups.
Creating a welcome pack for children who start the school mid year.
Design and produce a pamphlet that provides top tips for improving mental health.
We are also have two parliament members who have joined the CONNECT COUNCIL. They have joined the other 7 schools in our TRUST.