Our Early Years Foundation Stage at Manadon Vale provides a warm and nurturing environment where our youngest learners can explore and discover the world around them through play-based activities and experiences.

At Manadon Vale Primary School we believe in providing a secure foundation for future learning and development for our children. Our EYFS curriculum allows children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative thinkers.

If you have any questions please contact Miss Ranjbar aranjbar@mvps.org.uk

Meet the team

Mrs Julieanne Copp

Mrs Julieanne Copp

Teaching Assistant
Miss Amy Ranjbar

Miss Amy Ranjbar

Foundation Stage Lead
Mrs Vanessa Chidgey

Mrs Vanessa Chidgey

Deputy Head & EYFS Teacher
Mrs Jane Cray

Mrs Jane Cray

Teaching Assistant
Seahorses & Turtles
Mrs Kirsty Voden

Mrs Kirsty Voden

Foundation Stage Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Seahorses & Turtles
Mrs Moira Wakeham

Mrs Moira Wakeham

Chair of Governors & Teaching Assistant
Seahorses & Turtles
Miss Michelle Clarke

Miss Michelle Clarke

Teaching Assistant
Seahorses and Turtles
Miss Rebecca Rushton

Miss Rebecca Rushton

Teaching Assistant
Seahorses and Turtles
Mrs Rebecca Frearson

Mrs Rebecca Frearson

Teaching Assistant
Seahorses and Turtles
Miss Georgia Edwards

Miss Georgia Edwards

Class Teacher
Mrs Julie Butcher

Mrs Julie Butcher

PPA and ECT cover Teacher
Turtles and Starfish

General Information

Please ensure ALL school uniform is clearly named.

Book Bag (named):

All children require a book bag which they will need to bring every day. This does not need to be a school branded one but will need to be named.

Water bottle (named):

A clear, water bottle with a sports-flip lid.  NO JUICE PLEASE!

Fruit Snack:

The children are invited to bring a healthy snack (clearly named) for their morning playtime snack. In addition to this they will have the opportunity to have milk each morning and choose apiece of fruit every afternoon in school. 

PE Days:

Outdoor PE-Monday (from 16th September 2024)

Indoor PE-Thursday

On PE days, please wear PE kit into school.


Tapestry is the online learning journal we use at school to share your child’s achievements. We appreciate feedback from parents and encourage comments made following the observations we make in school. In addition to this we ask parents to include any observations of learning or achievements from home.

We are looking forward to a fun year and thank you in advance for working in partnership with us as your child starts their school journey.

Please ensure you login to Tapestry for regular updates.

Yearly Overview of Foundation Stage

We plan to deliver the following topics over the year, although these are open to change.  This is because we often find learning opportunities following children’s interests or what is happening in the wider world.

Autumn 1

  • All About Me
  • Superheroes
  • Autumn

Autumn 2

  • Traditional Stories
  • Christmas

Spring 1

  • Dinosaurs

Spring 2

  • New Life
  • Easter

Summer 1

  • A Life on the Ocean Wave

Summer 2

  • A Life on the Ocean Wave (continued)

Termly Overview of Foundation Stage

Autumn Term

This term we will focus on the children settling in and becoming familiar with our rules and routines.

We will be introducing new phonemes in phonics and whilst also reinforcing those we have already taught. This will also include learning some digraphs. Much of the focus will be on segmenting and blending phonemes to read and write simple words. We will be learning ‘harder to read and spell words (those which are irregular such as ‘I’, ‘no’, ‘the’) for the children to try to recognise and read.

We will also be looking at some traditional tales this term, including ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and ‘The Three Little Pigs’.  The children will be developing their use of story language by sequencing the main features of stories. There will be role play and small world activities based around traditional tales as part of our Continuous Provision.

In maths we will be thinking about how numbers are represented, subitising, comparing numbers and counting moveable and static objects accurately (1:1correspondence). We will be learning about the properties of 2D shape, positional language and sequencing events in a typical day. We hope to make gingerbread when we learn about language relating to size, length and weight.

Spring Term

We will be looking at information texts, poems and rhymes, and stories as part of our work on Dinosaurs this term.  

We will be continuing to introduce new phonemes and reinforce those we have already taught. This will include more digraphs (where two letters make one sound eg. ch, sh, th, ee). Much of the focus will be on segmenting (sounding out) and blending (putting the sounds back together) to make simple regular words. We will be introducing more ‘harder to read and spell’ words for the children to try to recognise and read.

We will be continuing with our work focusing on deepening understanding of numbers up to 10, this will include composition of all numbers to 10 and continuation of subitising skills. We will be beginning to explore number bonds (pairs of numbers) to 5 and eventually will ask children to recall these without the support of resources e.g. 10s frames and double sided counters. We will be looking at numerical patterns, counting beyond 20 and discussing what we notice. Our exploration of 2D and 3D shapes and their properties will be continuing.

Summer Term

We will be reading a range of stories, rhymes and non-fiction books looking at pirates and sea life as part of our work this term.

We will be continuing to work on phonics by introducing new phonemes and reinforce those we have already learnt. We will also be practising reading and writing more ‘harder to read and spell’ words and going over previous learning in preparation for Year 1.

We will be re-visiting addition and subtraction again this term to ensure that the children are confident in using these skills. We will be recalling +/- facts to 5 and also some number pairs that total 10, so we will also be spending some more time consolidating these skills. We will also be looking at developing spatial reasoning skills and direction along with halving, doubling and sharing.

We will be continuing to focus on learning to count in 2s,10s and 5s and using these number facts to solve problems. The children will build upon their knowledge of pattern, applying this skill to recognising odd and even numbers.

Year Notices:

We are looking two cleaners to join our amazing school team. 🧼 Please click on the link below for the job details or call the school office on 01752 705345 if you require more information. ☎️
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This maybe of interest to children in Year 1 and Year 2 looking at joining a local football team Highly recommended the club. Great facilities and coaches
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We are looking forward to welcoming our Foundation Stage starters this week. If your child requires medication to be kept in school, please ensure that you bring it this week and see Miss Ranjbar or Miss Edwards to sign the necessary paperwork. Many thanks.
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Thank you to all Year 5&6 parents who have completed the walk home permissions form that was sent out to you last week. Please can we ask if you haven't done this and you do wish your child to walk home independently that you complete it as soon as you can. Permissions submitted after tomorrow 5pm will need to be completed with your child's class teacher and not via the online form. Thank you!
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Do you have a child due to start school in September 2025? 🏫 Please come and visit our amazing school to see all the great opportunities we have on offer! 🤩 Contact the school office on 01725 705345 to book onto one of our tours. ☎️
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First week in Year 3! Completed it ✅
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**Attention New Starters** Just to remind you that children should wear school uniform next week (Wed-Fri) PE days will be Mondays and Thursdays, children will need to wear their kit to school (from Monday 16th September). We look forward to the children starting with us next week!
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Year 6 have really enjoyed starting their English unit on the story ‘Journey to the River Sea’. Today, they experimented with different art materials to draw illustrations inspired from the front cover and chapter 1.
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#TBT Throw Back Thursday- here are some photos from the last day of term 2024- Year 6 leavers. Class of 2023-2024! 🎉🎊⭐ We hope that they have all settled into their secondary schools well.
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Year 6 PE days: -Tuesday outdoor PE for the whole year group -Wednesday indoor PE for Angelfish class (Miss Harris) -Thursday indoor PE for Marlins class (Mr Williams) Thank you, The Yr6 team.
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Coral Class has had a great first day! We are looking forward to the year ahead.
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Welcome back to all our children and families for the start of our new academic year! The children are all having a brilliant day and we are looking forward to welcome our new Foundation Stage children over the next few weeks.
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To clarify, ALL children should wear full school uniform tomorrow, Wednesday 4th September, as there will be no PE lessons happening. Thank you.
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Good morning all Year 5 parents! We are very excited to see the children tomorrow. Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. We will be starting out outdoor PE learning this Thursday so please can your children come in to school in PE kit on Thursday of this week. Normal uniform tomorrow please :-)
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Although Wednesdays will be outdoor PE day for Year 3, we will not be starting this week. Therefore, the children need to be in school uniform please on Wednesday. We’re looking forward to seeing you all!!! Year 3 Team
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A message to all parents and carers of children going into Year One. Tapestry accounts will be inactive from Saturday 31st August so please ensure you have downloaded journals and any photos/videos you would like to keep. I will be unable to retrieve them once deleted. Many thanks.
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If any parents/carers of September starters have not received their date and time of the ‘getting to know you’ session, please email Miss Ranjbar ASAP and she will get back to you after the bank holiday. aranjbar@mvps.org.uk
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How can we help?

If there’s anything else you’d like to know or need guidance with, we’re here.

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