Meet the team

Mrs Joanne Mitchell

Mrs Joanne Mitchell

Whole School PPA & Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Miss Phaedra Down

Miss Phaedra Down

Teaching Assistant & Meal Time Assistant
Mrs Brittany Masters

Mrs Brittany Masters

Year 2 Teacher
Mrs Sarah Carlton

Mrs Sarah Carlton

Year 2 Teacher
Mrs Sonya Widdicombe

Mrs Sonya Widdicombe

Year 2 Teaching Assistant
Miss Jessica Bryssau

Miss Jessica Bryssau

Year 2 Teacher
Mrs Laura Blagdon

Mrs Laura Blagdon

KS1 Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Manta Rays, Octopuses, Jellyfish & Dolphins

Welcome to the Year 2 page

You will find all of the things you should need to know for the year. In Year 2, the teachers are Miss Bryssau, Mrs Calrton and Mrs Masters. We are supported by Mrs Widdicombe and Miss Down who are our teaching assistants. We also have Mrs Blagdon and Mrs Mitchell who cover our planning time, which is usually on a Tuesday and any additional time when we are out of class for training purposes. Having familiar adults helps to build consistency and means the children and adults are familiar with each other.Year2 is a key year and involves the children taking greater responsibility for their own learning. Despite this we are very keen to work together as a partnership, with the children, parents, teachers and school all working together to help us 'to be the best that we can be'. Please feel free to contact the Year 2 team if you have something you wish to ask or would like to discuss. We have an open-door policy and will see you as soon as possible. Please ask at the office if you would like to see us in person or would like to pass on a message or catch us in the playground at the start or end of the day. 

Thank you

The Year 2 team

Book Bag:

All children require a book bag in which to store and transport reading books, spelling books, home-school liaison books and letters. 

Water bottle:

A clear, medium-sized water bottle with a sports-flip lid.

(in order to avoid spillage, please do not carry water bottles inside book bags)

Fruit & Snack:

ALL children in Year 2 continue to be provided with one piece of fruit per day.

However, children are invited to bring a healthy snack (clearly named) for their morning play time snack.

PE Days:

Indoor PE : Monday

Outdoor Games: Friday 

PE Kit :  Black shorts & white T-shirt, trainers or plimsolls.

No need for a tracksuit as we still get outside in Winter with coats on.  

Children can come to school inPE kit on the days that they have PE.                     

Please make sure ALL PE kit and Uniform is clearly NAMED


Children in Year 2 will read with and adult at least once every week and will be given a 'reading day'. However, all children will also be involved in 'guided or group' reading activities throughout each week.

Please find time to read and discuss your books at least 4 or 5 times each week.  


In Year 2 most children have 8 individual spelling to learn each week. These will be given out on a Thursday and tested the following Thursday. Children are expected to correctly use their newly-learnt spellings in their writing.

Please find time to practise your spellings at least 4 or five times each week.

Curriculum- Yearly overview of topics

Topics Covered Throughout the Year

Autumn Term: Sailing the Seven seas!

Spring Term: Near, Far, Wherever you are.

Summer Term: Here, There and Everywhere!

Termly overview

English- We will be looking at poetry and making up poems for Bonfire night using our senses and then acrostic poems about Remembrance day. We will look at the Plague and write information texts and then write diaries about the Great Fire of London.


Maths- We will continue looking at formal methods for addition and subtraction using the column method before looking at money – different coins, finding totals and giving change. We will start our unit on Multiplication before Christmas, looking at arrays and equal groups.


Science – We will observe changes across the four seasons and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. We look at ditterent types of trees and identify them by their leaves and look at seeddispersal.


Computing – We will learn to recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs and will gain experience capturing, editing, and improving photos. Finally, we will use this knowledge to recognise that images they we may not be real.


DT – We will make our very own fire engines, linking in closely to our History and Englih topic. We even have a special visit from the Devon and Sommerset Fire and rescue service


PE – In dance, we will create and perform individually and in pairs and groups about the Great Fire of London. We will use changes in speed, level, direction and space in the dance and include the following three sections

Section 1 -The beginning of the fire. Circling, shapes, large, small, whole body actions ,individual body parts, slow, continuous and controlled, on the spot, travelling, different directions e.g. side by side, facing each other.

Section 2 -The fire spreads. Jumping, travelling, quick and sudden,

explode and fade, speeding up, slowing down, body shape. Moving in opposite directions, unison, canon, meeting and parting

Section 3-The Great Fire ends. Fade and slowing down. Moving in opposite directions, unison, canon, meeting and parting


History - We look further back intoHistory and investigate the Plague in London and why it happened, what was doneto help and how the Great Fire of London stopped the Plague.


PSHE – Using the whole school PSHE programme JIGSAW we will be looking at Celebrating difference and start to understand that sometimes people make assumptions about boys and girls (stereotypes). This will be linked to our weekly assemblies.



Year Notices:

To all Foundation Stage parents and carers-please could you ensure your consent forms are returned to the office ASAP! Many thanks
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Year 2 have been busy with their place value topic. Today they have been looking at odd and even numbers!
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🎼 Music Club 🎼 Please could you remind your children that if they play as part of our Orchestra, they'll need their instruments tomorrow! Many thanks, Miss Eastgate and Mrs Taylor 🧡
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In Year 4 we have been having fun learning about Roman numerals and completing puzzles with tangrams.
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Please could all children in Foundation Stage bring in a named potato for Monday 30th September! All will be revealed soon!!
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Date clarification-phonics meeting for EYFS and Year One is Friday 11th October at 2pm and the EYFS curriculum meeting is at 9.30am on Friday 18th October.
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As part of our DT unit, Year 1 have been experimenting with a variety of materials to build a piece of free standing play equipment. We used megablocks, lego, stickle bricks k-nex and some junk modelling to experiment and find out what would create a stable structure.
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Year 5 afterschool reading club 😊🤓📚 Next week, it’s year 4’s opportunity to enjoy our school library with parents/carers and grandparents. ☕️ 🍪 💙
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Year 1 are keen to get making their own playgrounds as part of their DT unit - if you have any recycling at home please drop it to a member of the Year 1 team on the playground. Cereal boxes, snack bars, yoghurt pots, toilet roll tubes would all be fantastic! Thank you so much!
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Year 5 Reading Club tonight in the school library 3:20-4:00pm. All children must be accompanied by an adult. This is a chance for our parents and carers to see our school library, choose a book with their child, sit down and enjoy reading it together and ask any questions that it you may have related to reading at home or in school. Tea and coffee provided for adults and juice biscuits for children. Thank you, Miss Harris.
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Marlins class have enjoyed completing their surrealist art - inspired by Picasso - outside in this lovely weather.
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Orcas have been busy today. In computing, we looked at designing our own device thinking about inputs and outputs. Also, we are well underway with our violin lessons.
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🎶 Miss Eastgate and Mrs Taylor are SO excited for Music Club to begin tomorrow! We've had an overwhelming response to the invitations that were sent to Year 5/6 and we can't wait to start making music with you all! 🎶
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Come and join our amazing team to work at our fantastic school! 🤩 We are looking for Cleaners 🧼 and Meal Time Assistants 🍽️ Click on the link below to find all the relevant information. 👀
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Please can we remind you to label ALL items, including PE kits. It also helps to add the initial of your surname as we have a number of children with the same name in the school. Many thanks
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It was wonderful to have a few Year 6 parents/grandparents in to enjoy 'Reading Club' this week. ☕📚 🤓 Year 5 parents/carers can enjoy this opportunity next Thursday 19th September 3:20-4pm. Details of this club were sent out to all parents/carers via email. Thank you, Miss Harris.
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❤️💙💛NEW DATES ADDED!! ❤️💙💛 Is your child due to start school in September 2025? Come and see what our amazing school has to offer. 🏫 Telephone the office on 01752 705345 to book a place on one of our tours. ☎️
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