At Manadon Vale, our Year 1 children continue to build on the skills and knowledge they gained in Foundation. Children develop their literacy skills and we nurture the excitement of stories, as well as taking a closer, curious look into the marvellous world of maths and beyond!
PE Days:
Indoor (Friday)
Outdoor (Thursday)
PE KIT – In Year 1, our PE sessions are on Thursdays and Fridays. The children will need to come into school in their PE kit on these days and wear it for the whole day.
The days can change and we will of course update if necessary.
It is therefore very important that the children have the correct PE uniform of:
· a white or navy blue t-shirt
· black shorts
· a plain (no logos) black tracksuit (trousers AND hoodie/sweatshirt)
· trainers or plimsolls
For PE, we will go outside in cold weather and in between rain showers, please ensure your child will be warm enough and their feet will be dry.
PLEASE LABEL ALL UNIFORM INCLUDING PE KIT and check the labels frequently, names do wash off
Reading & Phonics:
Each week your child will bring home 2 reading books for them to read (with your support) and 1 library book (for you to read and share with them). Please leave a note or signature in your child’s reading record whenever they read at home.
Please give your child the opportunity to re-read their school books, ideally 4 times,to build fluency and expression. There is a school reading reward raffle into which children are entered if there is evidence that they have read 3 times at home.
When hearing your child read, and when reading to them, please continue to engage your child in some discussion of the story or text. When a child is trying hard to decode the words, or when able to read fluently and just going as fast as they can, they can lose sight of the meaning and therefore the enjoyment ofwhat they are reading. A few open ended questions keep them thinking!
Reading TO your child is still vitally important for their language and own love of reading development.
Spellings will be given on a Thursday and will be tested the following Thursday. Spellings correspond to the sounds that children have been learning in their Phonics lessons.
Please see your child's reading record for their weekly spellings; some children may be given additional/alternative spellings to practice.
Meet the team

Mrs Anna Paige

Mrs Heather Bettison

Mrs Kate Scoles

Mrs Ruth Coupland
Class gallery
Curriculum/Termly overview:
Autumn Term Curriculum
This term our topic will be Our Brilliant Bodies.
In English we will focus on writing and punctuating simple sentences, using phonic knowledge to sound out words.
In Maths we will be focussing on number and place value, addition and subtraction and shape, both 2D and 3D.
In Science, we will learn about our body parts and our senses.
Year Notices: